Polyurea Technical documentation
Polyurea Technical documentation
ETA Certificate, European Technical Approval ( EOTA )
This document by the Institute of Sciences of the Construction Eduardo Torroja, under the parameters of the EOTA (European Organism for Technical Approvals), constitutes by definition a favorable technical evaluation of the suitability of a product for the use assigned at the European level, based on the fulfillment of the Essential Requisites foreseen for the works in which the above mentioned product is used. TECNOCOAT P-2049 possesses certification DITE for 25 years of useful life with document 11/0357 .
Descargar Certificado ETE Tecnocoat (
Download Certificate ETA Tecnocoat (
Certificate for contact with drinking water (APPLUS +)
The certificate granted by authorized laboratory Applus for TECNOCOAT P-2049, concludes that the material meets, for the analyzed parameters,the requisites established in Royal decree 140/2003 .
Also it is noted that chemical reaction of the product is not observed to 20 ppm of chlorine, the product conforms with regard to this parameter to the requisites of Royal decree 140/2003 .
Descargar Certificado para contacto con aguas potables (
Download Certificate for contact with drinking water (
Certificate for contact with ETHANOL (APPLUS +)
Test of global migration per REGULATION (EU) No. 10/2011 OF THE COMMISSION of January 14, 2011 on materials and plastic objects destined to contact food and based on norms UNE EN 1186-1:2002 and UNE EN 1186-3:2002
Download Certificat ETHANOL Tecnocoat
Certificate UNE-EN 1504-2:2005
The UNE -EN 1504-2:2005 entitled " Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures " is the European approval provides identification, benefits ( including aspects of durability), security and evaluating of products and systems conformity to be used for concrete superficial protection, in order to increase the durability of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, both for new concrete structure or maintenance work and repair .
Data Sheet
Descargue en tres diferentes formatos de archivo (Presto, Excel o Fiebdc ), las partidas de medición y presupuesto que configuran nuestro sistema de impermeabilización. Se las presentamos en dos tipologías distintas: partida única de descripción del sistema completo, y desglose de los diferentes componentes que constituyen el sistema completo de impermeabilización Tecnocoat P-2049.
All in one
By Components
Technical report
Guidance document for the creation of the technical report.
We Put at your disposal construction details in format "dwg" of this application system so you can incorporate them into the technical memory of your project if necessary. The format is editable for modification according to the characteristics of the project.
PT1 covering Waterproofing under tile roof
PT2 Waterproofing of inverted roof
PT3 Waterproofing of landscaping roof
PT4 Waterproofing of conventional roofing boulder
PT5 Waterproofing flat roof
PT6 Waterproofing VYDRO greenroofs
PT7 Waterproofing on polyurethane foam
PT8 Waterproofing of metal roofing