F.A.Q.s Desmopol
- What type of product is the Desmopol waterproofing membrane system?
- Where can I apply Desmopol
- How must I apply Desmopol?
- Can I apply Desmopol on pavement or existing roofing?
- Does it need joints?
- What colors is Desmopol available in?
- How long does it take Desmopol to dry?
- What to do in case of a leak?
- When can I apply Desmopol?
- What other elements can I waterproof or protect?
- What resistance does it have?
- Can I apply Desmopol on existing paving?
- What certifications does Desmopol have?
1: What type of product is the Desmopol
waterproofing membrane system?
It is a liquid based pure polyurethane elastomer that produces a continuous, flexible and completely impermeable membrane.
2: Where can I apply Desmopol?
On any type of flat surface without voids or cracks with prior conditioning of the surface to obtain the maximum adhesion of the system. As a continuous membrane, it provides a versatility of adapting to any irregular surface, even if curved or squared.
Desmopol can be applied with an airless projection machine or with a roller.
4: Can I apply Desmopol on pavement
or existing roofing?
Yes, simply bear in mind the preparation of the surfaces, cleaning them of dust, oils or grease to be able to apply Desmopol correctly.
The system Desmopol does not create joints as it is applied direct to the support, to the perimeter parapets, or to the singular points such as drains, corners or finished surfaces. Being a completely adherent membrane, it does not create interior air pockets. In these areas of parapets or points of water collection in drains, it is advisable to use a geotextile mesh casing.
6: What colors is Desmopol available
It appears in a colors variety such as gray, brick-red, white or transparent. Although if it is preferred it is possible to apply aliphatic varnish specific with a wide scale of colors RAL on the surface.
7: How long does it take Desmopol to
Desmopol has a process of stability and drying of 8 hours approximately after application. Although this time can change perceptibly according to the grade of exterior environmental temperature (pg. 9 of the Desmopol catalog).
8: What to do in case of a leak?
Desmopol failure is scarce, although in case of escape of moisture due to a mistake in the application of the waterproofing, or a break after application, since it is a completely adherent membrane to the support, the origin of the water, coincides with the area of the break, the location of this point is direct and therefore, it diminishes or limits to the minimum the repair work necessary.
From support temperatures of 5ºC up to 35ºC the previous priming Tecnocoat Primer-PU can be applied. The relative humidity has to be less than 85%.
10: What other elements can I waterproof
or protect?
With Desmopol you can waterproof walls of concrete, deposits, cisterns or swimming pools with finished painting to be chosen.
11: What resistance does it have?
It is a product with a traction resistance of 55 N/mm2.
12: Can I apply Desmopol on existing
Yes, it is very advisable in rehabilitations of patios or roofs, passable or impassable, where the difficulty of work or the excess weight of the existing structure are two factors to be kept in mind.
13: What certifications does Desmopol
Desmopol has the DITE 10/0121 certificate from theInstitute Eduardo Torroja with a useful life of 25 years.